This is a condensed version of the Squidoo lens I wrote
Using Twitter to Promote your Handmade Business. Please check out the full lens it's also full of links to lots of useful twitter tools.
Introduction to TwitterTwitter.com is a micro-blogging platform and social network rolled into one. You can post short 140 character messages to your twitter from the website, 3rd party applications or your phone.
Your messages are then viewed by anyone visiting your twitter profile
and more importantly people who are 'following' you. A follower subscribes to your twitter posts and can respond to them. In turn you can (and should) also follow other people.
Twitter lets you build relationships between you and the people who follow you. You can let them know more about yourself and your business and get feedback from other people who also sell their handmade goods.
Tweeting TipsIt's very easy to go a little overboard and spam about your products here are some tips for sending good tweets:
General Tweeting1: Don't just talk about your products when they're done and listed for sale, talk about making them, new ideas you have, etc.
2: Also talk about yourself and your life some, tell a joke now and then, do you have a funny pet story or a great recipe to share. Let people learn more about who you are and what you care about.
3: Tweet your blog. Using a service like Twitterfeed or the wordpress twitter plugin link your blog to your twitter to announce new posts.
4: Interact with the people you follow and who follow you. Answer their questions, ask your own questions, if they told a funny joke let them know, etc.
5: Have fun. If you go into Twitter totally businesslike you've missed the point. It's about communicating not just pumping out advertising for your product.
Talking about your Products and BusinessSo what type of things about your products should you be posting?
1: Announce when new products are listed. If you've just listed one item post a direct link to it but if you are listing more than 2 or 3 items in a day wait until you're finished for the day then announce with a link to your shop.
2: Announce sales and promotions. If you're having a sale announce it once or twice during the day, not every few minutes or every hour. You don't want to flood your followers.